Welcome to iwocaPay at Barnet Welding Supplies

iwocaPay at Barnet Welding Supplies

We are taking onboard iwoca as our payment partner

iwocaPay at
Barnet Welding Supplies
We are taking onboard iwocaPay as our payment partner
If you are a Limited Company, registered in the UK, you may be able to take advantage of the three months credit facility offered by iwocaPay.
They will check your eligibility during checkout.

iwocaPay say it will takes just 5 minutes
(depending on whose watch you are using!).

Provided you are approved, invoices from
Barnet Welding Supplies
will be paid in full when you hit that check-out button.

You as the buyer can choose to repay iwocaPay in the first 30-days for free or over 90 days on a payment plan.

You can make full payment at any time with no additional fees.
Our link to pay via iwocaPay is
Stovold Construction Service Ltd. - payments

Or, if you prefer, pay over the pnone by calling iwocaPay on
0203 778 0549
To settle our Invoices
iwocaPay at Barnet Welding Supplies

Under our normal terms of trading you have a period of 28 days, from the date of supply, before payment is due.

Now with iwocaPay as our payment partner you have 4 options.
(click on the links below for more information)
1 - Pay Now
2 - Pay as per out terms of trading as above.
3 - Pay by installments.
4 - Pay by Phone.

If you have any queries you are welcome to either
send an email.
Or, if you prefer, call iwocaPay on
0203 778 0549

Want to hear what other people say about iwocaPay

Trustpilot have loads of review. If you, are like me, and want all information possible, I think it is called "due diligence", then have a look.
iwocaPay at Barnet Welding Supplies
Knowledge is power!
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This site may also be of interest. Certainly worth a look.
Knowledge is power!
iwocaPay ICPA
You can see here an independant review of iwocaPay.
Knowledge is power!
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Helpful Videos below

How to pay Now

How to pay Later if you wish.

Business & Personal details.

iwocaPay at Barnet Welding Supplies
iwocaPay launch

Identity Check

Enter your Card payment details

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iwoca at Barnet Welding Supplies - Pay Now

Customer must be a UK registered Limited Company for invoices between £150 and £15000.

Our link to pay via iwocaPay
Stovold Construction Service Ltd. - payments

Enter the invoice amount and the invoice reference number.

Then select

"Pay Now with an instant bank transfer"

iwoca pay now

Click the "Finish Checkout" button to indicate you have approved this invoice.

You will then have to select your bank and authorise the transfer.

You can of course call them and pay over the phone on +44 (0)203 778 0549 if you prefer.

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iowocaPay - Pay after our 28 days Terms of Trading period.

Customer must be a UK registered Limited Company for invoices between £150 and £15000.

No doubt you would like to take advantage of a 28 days free credit as per our "Terms of Trading".

But first, when you receive our invoice, we would request you to complete the form below.

This will enable us to be paid, and you can have 28 days free credit.

If you choose, you can spread the invoice payment over three months.

Our link to pay via iwocaPay
Stovold Construction Service Ltd. - payments

And when the page opens it should look something like the example below.

OR you can call them and pay over the phone on +44 (0)203 778 0549.

This is an example only

iwoca pay now

Enter the invoice amount and the invoice reference number.

Then select

"Pay £***.** per month"
As you can see there is nothing to pay for the first 28 days.

If you settle the invoice amount to iwocaPay within this period, it is free,

but they will ask you to complete a business and a personal form so they can run a credit check.

iwoca business details

And of course personal details.

iwoca business details

Identity check.
You will need your passport or driving licence and your mobile phone.

iwoca identity details

Now you have passed all the checks they need your card details on file.

iwoca identity details

This is the account from which your payments will be taken.

It only takes 5 minutes to submit an application and they can have you approved in hours.
Best of all it costs nothing to apply and there is no commitment.

Once approved you will be informed, we will be paid in full,
and iwocaPay will expect to receive the invoice payment after 28 days.

Once approved, you will not be asked again for your next order with us.

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Pay by Installments using
iwoca at Barnet Welding Supplies.

Customer must be a UK registered Limited Company for invoices between £150 and £15000.

If you would like to take advantage of the 90 days credit that iwocaPay can offer you, read on.

But first, when you receive our invoice, we would request you to complete the form below.

This will enable us to be paid, and you can have 90 days credit, if you are approved.

This is an example only

iwoca pay later

Enter the invoice amount and the invoice reference number.

Then select

"Pay £***.** per month"
As you can see there is nothing to pay for the first 30 days.

Our link to pay via iwocaPay
Stovold Construction Service Ltd. - payments

You will have to give business details
and also personal details so they can run a credit check.

iwoca business details

Now the personal details.

iwoca business details

Identity check.
You will need your passport or driving licence and your mobile phone.

iwoca identity details

Now you have passed all the checks they need your card details on file.

iwoca identity details

This is the account from which your payments will be taken.

It only takes 5 minutes to submit an application and they can have you approved in hours.
Best of all it costs nothing to apply and there is no commitment.

Once approved you will be informed, we will be paid in full,
and iwocaPay will transfer the invoice Installments each month as per the schedule supplied.

Once approved, you will not be asked again when your next order with us.

And when the page opens it should look something like the example above.

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Pay by Phone using iwocaPay.

Customer must be a UK registered Limited Company for invoices between £150 and £15000.

If you have an invoice to pay for can pay by phone.

You will need your invoice or the
invoice number
the amount due
your email address
and our company name as below.

When you are ready call 0203 778 0549

iwoca pay now

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